TEDxRdam talk - Burgemeester Aboutaleb

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TEDxRdam talk - Burgemeester Aboutaleb por Mind Map: TEDxRdam talk - Burgemeester Aboutaleb

1. Burgemeester Aboutaleb

1.1. Mayor of Rotterdam

2. poem

2.1. sixties

2.2. the legend of the orient

2.2.1. the singer

2.3. wanted to become a poet

2.4. Bagdad

2.4.1. center islamic civilization

2.5. don't send your children in the world without knowledge

3. history

3.1. lived

3.1.1. poverty

3.2. migration

3.2.1. to NL

3.2.2. met a teacher mathamatics helped discovered a talent a wonderfull coach

3.2.3. graduated late 80's science

3.3. collegue of Max Westerman

3.3.1. at RTL Veronique

3.4. lived in The Hague

3.5. joined a party

3.6. member of the cabinet

3.7. mayor of Rotterdam

4. poverty

4.1. need

4.1.1. support

4.1.2. trust

4.2. there is an escape

4.3. develop

4.3.1. talents

4.3.2. shaping a diamond proper shine

4.4. invest in childeren

4.4.1. invest in our future

4.5. if you have youth you have the future

4.6. lack of money can be a driver

5. questions

5.1. why quit RTL Veronique

5.2. the station needed an investment

5.3. didnt invest in current affairs as a TV program

6. back to overview