TEDxRdam talk - Maarten van der Weijden

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TEDxRdam talk - Maarten van der Weijden by Mind Map: TEDxRdam talk - Maarten van der Weijden

1. Maarten van der Weijden

1.1. Gold medal­ist and can­cer survivor

1.2. olympic champion

2. a man believes what he wants to believe and disregards the rest

2.1. flathering words

2.1.1. b*llshit

2.2. Olympic Champion

2.2.1. then recovering from leukemia

3. questions

3.1. how good is it?

3.1.1. scientifically patient have any influences in recovering from cancer no influence

3.2. how bad is it?

3.2.1. had influence work hard enough to fight

3.3. hero's

3.3.1. real hero's

4. back to overview