
Main ideas and directions in the Ptolemy project

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Ptolemy by Mind Map: Ptolemy

1. Hybrid systems

1.1. Continuous and discrete dynamics

1.2. Operational semantics

1.3. Language design

1.4. Models of time

2. Abstract semantics

2.1. Domain polymorphism

2.2. Behavioral type systems

2.3. Meta-modeling of semantics

2.4. Comparative models of computation

3. Systems of systems

3.1. Networking

3.2. Database

3.3. Grid computing

3.4. Information subsystems

4. PRET machines

4.1. Timing

4.2. Configurable hardware

5. Real-time software

5.1. Time and concurrency

5.2. Metaprogramming techniques

5.3. Code generation

5.4. Domain-specific languages

5.5. Schedulability analysis

5.6. Programming of sensor networks

6. Distributed computing

6.1. Distributed discrete events

6.2. Backtracking techniques

6.3. Lifecycle management

6.4. Unreliable networks

6.5. Modeling of sensor networks

7. Understandable concurrency

7.1. Models of concurrency