translation management skill tree

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translation management skill tree by Mind Map: translation management skill tree

1. language

1.1. source language

1.1.1. japanese

1.2. target language

1.2.1. english

2. document processing

2.1. version control

2.1.1. subversion

2.2. editors

2.2.1. word

2.2.2. plain text editor

2.2.3. excel

2.3. editing

2.3.1. search

2.3.2. replace

2.3.3. regular expression

3. technical knowledge of the target area

3.1. vce

3.1.1. network programming

3.1.2. programming

3.1.3. C++

4. text processing

4.1. sed

4.2. xml

4.2.1. xslt

4.3. CUI

4.3.1. Unix cd ls piping grep globbing

5. automating

5.1. make

5.2. scripting language

5.2.1. ruby

6. process management

6.1. mailing list moderation

6.2. delegation

6.3. trac ticket

6.4. wiki