Social sciences

Anthropology evidence

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Social sciences by Mind Map: Social sciences

1. Believes

1.1. Magic

1.2. Myths

1.3. Religion

1.3.1. Sacred

1.3.2. Profane

1.3.3. Types of cult Individualist Shamanist Community Ecclesastical

2. Anthropology

2.1. Sub-disciplines

2.1.1. Physical Anthropology

2.1.2. Anthropological Linguistics

2.1.3. Archaeology

2.1.4. Cultural Anthropology

2.2. Anthropological theories

2.2.1. Evolusionism

2.2.2. Historical Particularism

2.2.3. Diffusionism

2.2.4. Functionalism

2.2.5. Culture and personality

2.2.6. Neoevolutionism

2.2.7. French structuralism

2.3. Qualitative method

2.4. Stages of development

2.5. Areas of application

3. Ethnoggraphy

3.1. Ethnographic techniques

3.1.1. Direct observstion

3.1.2. Participant observation

3.1.3. Conversation

3.1.4. Geneological method

3.1.5. Key informants

3.1.6. Life stories

3.1.7. Investigation oriented to several types of problems

3.1.8. Longitudinal investigation

3.1.9. Team investigation

3.2. Fieldwork

3.3. Population Growth

3.4. Emic

3.5. Etic

4. Culture

4.1. Enculturation

4.2. Acculturation

4.3. Ethnocentrism

4.4. Otherness

5. Family

5.1. Types of family

5.1.1. Nuclear

5.1.2. Extended

5.2. Monogamy

5.3. Polygamy

5.3.1. Polygyny

5.3.2. Polyandry

5.4. Exogamous Marriage

5.5. Affinity

6. Society

6.1. State

6.2. Man

6.3. Regionalism

6.3.1. Regions of mexico

6.4. Cultural ecology

6.5. Social groups

6.6. Identity

6.6.1. Mexican Identity