Career & opportunities after Msc

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Career & opportunities after Msc par Mind Map: Career & opportunities after Msc

1. course

1.1. Knowledge

1.1.1. technical

1.1.2. theoritical

1.1.3. practical

1.1.4. up-to-date

1.2. skills

1.2.1. Presentation

1.2.2. Communication

1.2.3. CV writing

1.2.4. language

1.3. teaching

1.3.1. inspiration

1.3.2. Professional exp

1.3.3. motivation

1.3.4. accessibility

2. Expectations

2.1. what to improve

2.2. ambition

2.3. investment return

3. University

3.1. networking

3.1.1. Events Links with pro envirnmt

3.1.2. Alumni Cohesion Follow up mutual help

3.2. reputation