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Philosophy 저자: Mind Map: Philosophy

1. Other Fields

1.1. Theology & Religion

1.2. Mathematics

1.3. Arts

1.4. Sciences

1.5. Social Studies

2. Discussions

2.1. Week 1

2.1.1. Option 1

2.1.2. Option 2

2.2. Week 2

2.2.1. Option 1: Do you think Socrates should have died for the pursuit of truth, beauty, and justice? Why or why not? Hi how are you!

2.2.2. Option 2: Can you find and post an example of something reflecting Socrates' influence within modern, western civilization, and explain why you think it is an example of Socrates lasting influence? Kristy's Response: Accurate sources are important within history.

2.3. Week 3

2.3.1. Option 1

2.3.2. Option 2

2.3.3. Option 3

2.4. Week 4

2.4.1. Option 1

2.4.2. Option 2

2.5. Week 5

2.5.1. Option 1

2.5.2. Option 2

2.6. Week 6

2.6.1. Option 1

2.6.2. Option 2

2.7. Week 7

2.7.1. Option 1

2.7.2. Option 2