Standards, Objectives, and Strategies for Two Different ELL Programs

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Standards, Objectives, and Strategies for Two Different ELL Programs par Mind Map: Standards, Objectives, and Strategies for Two Different ELL Programs

1. Two-way Immersion or Dual Language Immersion

1.1. Standards

1.2. Objectives

1.2.1. Exit Proficiency Expectations

1.2.2. Techniques and Strategies for Teaching Two-way & Dual Immersion

1.2.3. The Importance of Dual Language Education

2. English Language Development (ELD)

2.1. Standards

2.1.1. Speaking & Writing

2.1.2. Listening & Reading

2.2. Objectives

2.2.1. Example of Teaching Strategy for 7th Grade Social Studies (Standard 5: English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Social Studies.)

2.2.2. Techniques & Strategies for Teaching ELD Students

2.2.3. Elementary English Language Development - showing various strategies to teach ELD

3. Differences between ELD & Dual or Two Way Immersion Programs