Schachter & Singer (Emotions)

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Schachter & Singer (Emotions) by Mind Map: Schachter & Singer (Emotions)

1. Results

1.1. Cognitive Results

1.1.1. Euphoria Conditon

1.1.2. Anger Condition

1.2. Physiological Results

2. Conclusions

3. Evaluation

3.1. Strengths

3.2. Validity

3.3. Usefulness

3.4. Snapshot Studies

3.5. Generalisations

3.6. Reductionism

4. Context

4.1. Schachter's Two-Factor Theory

4.2. Overview of Study

4.3. Previous Theories

5. Ethics

5.1. Deception

6. Sample

7. Aims

7.1. Hypothesis 1

7.1.1. Conclusion

7.2. Hypothesis 2

7.3. Hypothesis 3

7.3.1. Conclusion

8. Design

8.1. Advantages

8.2. Disadvantages

9. Procedure

9.1. Physiological IV: "Suproxin" Injections Given

9.1.1. Adrenalin Informed

9.1.2. Adrenalin Misinformed Euphoria condition only

9.1.3. Adrenalin Ignorant

9.1.4. Placebo (Saline)

9.2. Cognitive IV: Data Collection

9.2.1. Euphoria Condition

9.2.2. Anger Condition

9.2.3. Observation Categories

9.3. Physiological Data Collection

9.4. Controls