Royce Barber

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Royce Barber by Mind Map: Royce Barber

1. Personality

1.1. Submissive. Fun but very Humble, Kind, Punctual, Failed Attempts at Humor

2. Social Circle

2.1. Church Congregation

2.2. Bible Study

2.3. Bagels Social Group

2.4. Internet Communities

3. Vehicles Owned

3.1. 1999 Mazda Miata (Current as of 2008)

3.2. 1986 Ford Bronco II Eddie Bower Edition 4x4 Truck

3.3. 1988(?) AMC Eagle Station Wagon 4x4

3.4. 1994 Mazda MPV Minivan 4x4

3.5. Crashed

3.5.1. 1990(?) Suburban

3.6. 21 Speed Mountain Bicycle

3.7. Roller Blades

3.8. Motorized Skateboard Scooter

4. Fresno California Features

5. Favorites

5.1. Fav Websites

5.2. Fav Music

5.3. Fav Food

5.4. Style

5.5. Literature

5.5.1. Tech Blogs

5.5.2. Classic English Novels

5.5.3. Dictionary & Reference Books

5.6. Software

5.6.1. Firefox with GreaseMonkey & GoogleToolbar

5.6.2. Portable Software (No Installing)

5.6.3. Ubuntu OS

6. Financial & Money Saving

7. Tallents

7.1. Current Tallents

7.1.1. Digital Art

7.1.2. Web Design

7.1.3. Public Speaking

7.2. Future Talent Goals

7.2.1. Sewing Custom Clothing

7.2.2. Java Programming

8. Physical Attributes

8.1. Fit

8.2. Healthy

8.3. Fast Runner

8.4. Somewhat Skinny

8.5. Scrawny Wrists

8.6. White American

9. Lofty Dreams

9.1. Future OS's

9.2. Future Gadgets

9.3. Glass PC Processor

9.4. Sky as Screen

10. Spirituality

10.1. Born Again, Nondenominational, New Testament Christian

10.2. Church & BibleStudy Atmosphere

10.3. Friends are Smart and Caring

11. Achievements, Jobs, Clubs

11.1. EarthLink Tech Agent

11.2. Highschool Diploma

11.3. Graduated BoyScouts

11.4. Graduated Methodist Youth SundaySchool

11.5. DigitalArt Portfolio

11.6. Member of NorthSide Christian Church in Clovis CA

11.7. Still Following BoyScout Oath

12. History

12.1. Tech Industry

12.2. Depression

12.3. Family Geneology

12.3.1. American

12.3.2. 50% French

12.3.3. 50% German

13. Estimated Future

13.1. Married

13.1.1. Wife Exceptionally Devoted to Jesus Tech Geek Similar to Myself

13.2. Three Kids

13.2.1. Born Again, Humble, Very Smart, Fit, Wise

14. Internet Ussage

14.1. Favorite Websites


15. Cultural Traits

15.1. Christianity

15.2. American

15.3. Tech Uber Geek

15.4. Artist

15.5. Anime Fan

15.6. Organised

15.7. Very Much White

16. Digital Art

16.1. New node

17. Problems

17.1. Depression

17.2. Selective Memory

17.3. Doesn't Like Reading Books

17.3.1. Exceptions: See Core>Favorites>Literature

17.4. Shy

17.5. Fears

17.6. Dislikes