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ALA Conferences by Mind Map: ALA Conferences

1. Physical site

1.1. Exhibit floor

1.2. Print program

1.3. Social

1.3.1. Open Gaming Night

1.3.2. Uncommons

1.3.3. Unconference

2. Virtual

2.1. Aggregator

2.2. Basecamp

2.3. Conference scheduler

2.4. Exhibit floor

2.5. Event website

2.6. Mobile version

2.7. Virtual program

3. Marketing

3.1. Email

3.2. Online

3.2.1. Social media

3.3. Print

4. Data

4.1. Submission process

4.1.1. New node

4.1.2. New node

4.2. Approval of sessions

4.3. Scheduling sessions

4.4. Print program

4.5. Virtual program

4.6. Conference scheduler

4.7. Mobile version

4.8. Abstract management

5. Registration