Coding for All

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Coding for All by Mind Map: Coding for All

1. 4. Time to Learn

1.1. Choose one of the applications above and start learning!

2. 1. Participants

2.1. Who's here?

2.2. What is your experience with coding?

2.3. Why do you want to learn more about coding?

3. Agenda

3.1. 1. Participants

3.2. 2. Why Teach Coding

3.3. 3. Teaching Resources

3.4. 4. Time to Learn

3.5. 5. Practical Applications

3.6. 6. Hour of Code

4. 6. Regional Hour of Code

4.1. Register!!!

4.2. Educator Resources for Teaching

4.3. Hour of Code Activities

5. 5. Practical Applications

5.1. Advisory period for grades 7 and 8. Get students who were in the Lego Robotics club in Elementary school to come to the library and learn coding through other options like or Scratch

6. 3. Teaching Resources

6.1. Daisy the Dinosaur iPad App (Pre Readers)

6.2. The Foos (Pre Readers)

6.3. Kodable iPad ($ Grades K-5)

6.4. Scratch, Jr. iPad (Grades K-4)

6.5. Tynker (Grade 3+)

6.6. Lightbot (Grades 5+)

6.7. (Various Levels)

6.8. (Grades 4+)


6.9. Code Academy (Advanced Lessons)


7. 2. Why Teach Coding

7.1. CODING SKILLS = $$$$$ JOBS!

8. What's all this "coding" stuff about anyway? Today we'll learn a little bit about how to teach coding in your learning environment. Participants will have time to play and share their own experiences with others. I hope you'll leave with a plan as to how to join a Regional Hour of Code in December 2015.

9. Emily Gibson Library Media Specialist LIttle Falls City School District [email protected]