m-Learning China Sources
by A Chapman

1. Mobile learning: the big picture
2. Chinese Students
3. Mobile Hardware Vendors
3.1. John Morovec's Blog
3.2. Desmond Keegan from Ericsson
3.3. $35 Tablet India
4. Mobile Software Vendors
4.1. m-learning.org
4.2. Mobile Study
5. m-Learning International
5.1. Dr Steve Yuen
5.2. World Bank -What do we know about mobile phones in education?
5.3. Learning Unplugged
5.4. 10 Mobile Facts
5.5. Mobile Learning for Expanding Educational Activities
5.6. Blogs
5.6.1. moblearn - Blog
5.6.2. Mobile Learning - Blog
5.6.3. Liz Kolb - Using Student Technology
5.7. Journal Articles
5.7.1. Lit review Naismith et al (2004)
5.7.2. eJournal eLDI Asia
5.7.3. Horizon Report 2010
5.8. Books
5.8.1. Mohammed Ally - Mobile Learning: Transforming the Delivery of Education and Training
5.9. where m-learning sits
5.10. Examples
5.10.1. iEngage
5.10.2. EUSD iRead
5.10.3. ipad for med students US
5.11. Video
5.11.1. Mobile use in Africa
6. e-Learning China (not specifically m-learning)
6.1. e-Learning Initiatives in China
6.2. eChina-Uk Project
6.3. A cultural analysis of e-Learning for China
7. m-Learning NZ
7.1. Ako Aotearoa - m-Learning Community
7.2. TVNZ News 26/07/10
7.3. Orakei Primary
7.4. Toni Twiss - edcautor with strengths in mlearning - blog
7.5. Toni Twiss - research - How can mobile phones be integrated into authentic classroom
7.6. NZ Student documentary - MLearning
7.7. projectmobilise Youtube Channel
7.7.1. Auckaland Museum Nathan Kerr - m-Learning Dr Noeline Wright
7.7.2. Interview Dr Noeline Wright