Healthy Breakies for 7 days

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Healthy Breakies for 7 days por Mind Map: Healthy Breakies for 7 days

1. Monday - wake up & warm up with porridge!

1.1. brown 50 gr of oats (milo, rice, oatmeal, polenta...) and dash it with boiling water

1.2. add 1 date, fig or plum and half of an apple, banana or pear

1.3. add a pinch of cinnamon, cardamom, salt and cocoa as well as a dash of lemon juice

1.4. let it simmer for a while - duration depends on the cereal crop you've used

1.5. seasonings like maple syrup, honey or coconut milk can be added

1.6. serve your porridge with fresh fruits and nuts and enjoy it!

2. Tuesday - there's no need to get up earlier as usual for enjoying one-cup pancakes with blueberries!

2.1. to make the batter, crack 1 large free-range egg into a large mixing bowl

2.2. add 1 cup of self-raising flour, 1 cup of milk and a tiny pinch of sea salt

2.3. whisk everything together until you have a lovely, smooth batter

2.4. fold through 200 gr of blueberries

2.5. put a large frying pan on a medium heat and after a minute or so, add ½ tablespoon of olive oil, carefully tilt the pan to spread the oil out evenly.

2.6. add a few ladles of batter to the pan, leaving enough space between each one so they have room to spread out slightly – each ladleful will make one pancake, and you'll need to cook them in batches

2.7. cook the pancakes for 1 to 2 minutes, or until little bubbles appear on the surface and the bases are golden, then use a fish slice to carefully flip them over

2.8. when the pancakes are golden on both sides, use a fish slice to transfer the pancakes to a plate. Repeat steps 5 to 9 with the remaining batter, adding ½ tablespoon of oil to the pan between batches, if needed.

2.9. serve the pancakes straight away, topped with a dollop of natural yoghurt, and some extra berries, if you like

3. Thursday - old but gold: scrambled eggs

3.1. crack 8 eggs into a measuring jug

3.2. add a tiny pinch of salt and pepper, then use a fork to beat them together well

3.3. put a medium saucepan over a low heat and add a small knob of unsalted butter

3.4. leave it to melt slowly, then when it starts to bubble carefully pour in the eggs

3.5. optional: try adding one or two of these to the beaten egg mixture for extra flavour: - a few sprigs of fresh soft herbs, leaves picked and finely chopped - ½ a fresh red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped - 2 tablespoons fresh podded peas

3.6. Wednesday - not only diamonds are a girl's best friend: sugar free chocolate chia pudding

3.6.1. prepare the base for your chia pudding the night before: mix 50 gr of chia seads with 100 ml of hazelnut, almond or rice milk and pace it in the fridge over night

3.6.2. in the morning add a pinch of cinnamon, 1 tsp honey and 1 tsp organic raw cocoa powder

3.6.3. top your chia pudding with almond slices, toasted hazelnuts, shredded coconut and frozen or fresh berries - optional!

3.7. stir slowly with a wooden spoon, or a spatula if you've got one, so you can get right to the edges of the pan. Keep gently stirring until the eggs still look silky, slightly runny and slightly underdone, and then remove from the heat – the heat of the pan will continue to cook the eggs to perfection.

4. Friday - a vegan kick for the weekend: green smoothie

4.1. 1 cup unsweetened almond or soy milk 1-2 handfuls of spinach 2 frozen bananas 2-4 soft pitted dates 2 tbsp hemp hearts 1 tbsp natural peanut butter 2 ice cubes

4.2. Combine all ingredients, blend on high until perfectly smooth and frothy.

5. Saturday - meet Jools' gorgeous granola!

5.1. preheat the oven to 160ºC

5.2. roughly chop the nuts ( 50 gr blanched almonds, 50 gr pecan nuts, 50 g unsalted pistachios (shelled)) and 50 gr of dried apricots, then place into a large bowl

5.3. add 50 gr pumpkin seends, 50 gr sunflower seeds, 1 T sesame seeds, 1 T flaxseeds, 250 gr porridge oats, 1 tsp ground cinnamon, 1 T desiccated coconut, 50 gr sultanas and 50 gr sour cherries

5.4. drizzle over 6 T of maple syrup and finely grate over 1 orange zest - then stir well to coat everything

5.5. spread out over a large baking tray, pop into the hot oven for 20 to 25 min, or until turning golden, stirring every 10 minutes or so to stop it from catching. Bear in mind that the granola will harden up and go crunchy as it cools, so don't be tempted to cook it for too long.

5.6. leave to cool completely, then tip into airtight storage jars and use as and when you need it – it will keep quite happily for up to 4 weeks

6. Sunday - mom's jam is the best!

6.1. Start your day off with fresh selfmade low-carb bread and mom's unbeatable jam :-)

6.2. grind 100 gr of almonds, 100 gr of flaxseeds, 1 tsp salt and 0.5 tsp bread seasoning into flour

6.3. mix it with 250 gr of gluten, 1 pkg dried yeast and 50 gr of chickpea flour

6.4. add 300 ml of lukewarm water and kneat the mixture properly

6.5. let the dough prove 45 - 60 min

6.6. 150 °C for 45 - 60 min, let it cool down and ready it is: congrats for your first homemade bread!