Design Specs of App Making Process for $1997 offer would be selling 2000 of them over a 2 month p...

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Design Specs of App Making Process for $1997 offer would be selling 2000 of them over a 2 month period by Mind Map: Design Specs of App Making Process for $1997 offer would be selling 2000 of them over a 2 month period

1. Must Be Similar to

1.1. Shoes First

1.2. Sole Cool

2. It would be good if we can have countdown timers on each product or just featured products

3. Easy to Make a Copy of for a client with minimal programming work/no programming work and we build a system for support staff to create the app & submit it to the apple store

4. Easy to Update if there is an iOS Change

5. All Payment processing would be done through the same payment processor. using one of these solutions -

6. Questions

6.1. Can we submit 2000 apps through the same developer account?

6.1.1. I'm thinking because the apps are all the same maybe that would not be the case

7. Possible App solutions

