Nouns, Pronouns, and Prepositions

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Nouns, Pronouns, and Prepositions by Mind Map: Nouns, Pronouns, and Prepositions

1. Essential Grammatical Concepts

1.1. Gender

1.2. Number

1.3. Person

1.4. Subject/verb agreement

1.5. Noun/pronoun agreement

1.6. Noun/adjective agreement

1.7. Pronoun/adjective agreement

1.8. Subjects and objects

2. Definite Articles and Nouns

2.1. Forms

2.2. Uses

2.3. Gender of nouns

2.4. Plural of nouns

3. Indefinite and partitive articles

3.1. Forms

3.2. Omission of the indefinite article

3.3. Nouns and adverbs of quantity

3.4. Partitive and the definite article

4. Subject Pronouns

4.1. Forms

4.2. Ce + être

5. Object pronouns

5.1. Direct

5.2. Indirect

5.3. y

5.4. en

6. Stress pronouns

6.1. Forms

6.2. Uses

7. Relative pronouns

7.1. Qui

7.2. Que

8. Prepositions

8.1. à et de

8.2. Other common prepositions

8.3. Before the infinitive

8.4. With geographical expressions