Daniel's Work Projects

Where I'm going to organize all my work projects.

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Daniel's Work Projects by Mind Map: Daniel's Work Projects

1. Computing

1.1. Server

1.1.1. Save the EMS database from complete destruction need to learn about MySQL dump commands Use MySQL workbench

1.1.2. Maybe buy a new server that actually fits ECC needs? What should I server do besides AD and shared storage? Is there such a thing as a smart server?

1.1.3. Setup CloneZilla server?

1.2. Computer Lab

1.2.1. Set up fijilab trust for MyUW NetIDs

1.2.2. Figure out how to cluster ssh with all the Ubuntu machines

1.2.3. Prepare Windows Image for imaging

1.3. Printing!

1.3.1. Can we fix it?

2. Crush3r

3. YouTube

4. Information Coordinator

5. Websites

5.1. Mentor Power for Success Website

5.1.1. Move to Wordpress?

5.1.2. Fix mentor biography page

5.2. ECC Website

5.2.1. Move to Wordpress

5.2.2. Organization Registration 1. Online application is first step 2. Name + relevant data added to embedded sheet 3. Orientation Session 4. Copy of SAO Certificate and Constitution or bylaws, hardcopy!

5.2.3. Figure out how to make better link nav

6. Mailchimp

7. New node