Units Grade 8
by gary bertoia

1. Face Project
1.1. using photoshop
1.1.1. graphic types ICT3.23 jpeg ping gif psd
1.1.2. PS Tools
1.1.3. copright and images ICT 2.0.4 & 3.2.2
1.2. network resources
1.2.1. P Drive backup
1.2.2. course folder
1.3. Video of students work
1.4. Assessment
1.4.1. online quiz
1.4.2. face project rubric
1.4.3. online quiz Pshop notes
1.4.4. photoshop reflection
2. Programming
2.1. Trial of face animation
2.2. Creating Animated gifs photoshop
2.3. Intro to game creation
2.4. collaborative project
3. Setup Tools
3.1. Diigo Student Accounts
3.2. blog for students
3.3. blog for grade 8
3.4. setup class blogs
3.4.1. add new classmates
3.5. moodle class setup
3.6. login in to Moodle
3.7. Introduce Gmail
3.8. gravatar setup
3.9. Setup folders and P Drive
4. Atlas
5. Digital Identity
5.1. presentation from last year
6. Data Analysis
6.1. Introduction through Gapminder Desktop
6.2. Introduction to Tinkerplot
6.3. Creation of Survey
6.4. Data analysis
6.4.1. creation of an infographic
7.1. introduce the blogging cycle
7.2. Diigo accounts and useage
7.3. Reading from G News
7.3.1. Highlight Using Diigo
7.3.2. Who, What, When, Where
7.3.3. Weekly blog post based on this
8. You and WWW
8.1. Intro o Gearth
8.2. Gearth Laos Tour
8.3. Gearth /Screenplay Embed reflection
8.3.1. Add audio to screencast