Software Craftsmanship

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Software Craftsmanship by Mind Map: Software Craftsmanship

1. Engagement

1.1. Feedback

2. Passion

2.1. Enjoy your work

3. Learn

3.1. Continually learn & teach

3.2. 10000 hours

3.3. Mastery

3.4. apprenticeship

3.5. patterns

3.6. from others

3.7. share what you learn

4. Reputation

4.1. earn

4.2. recommend

4.3. trust

5. Responsibility

5.1. Quality

5.2. Clean Code

6. Technical Skill

7. XP values

7.1. courage

7.2. feedback

7.3. communication

7.4. simplicity

8. traditional craft

8.1. pro

8.1.1. manual work

8.1.2. make things

8.1.3. constant feedback continous improvement feedback from customer

8.1.4. Power of Metaphors

8.2. con

8.2.1. no politics

8.2.2. no guilds

9. engineering

9.1. design things

9.2. no feedback when making

9.2.1. design is executed