Useful espressions in the classroom

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Useful espressions in the classroom by Mind Map: Useful espressions in the classroom

1. Praise , correction and finishing the class

1.1. That's right!

1.2. Try again!

1.3. Nice work!

1.4. It's time to go!

1.5. Clean up! Tydy!

1.6. Put it into the bin!

1.7. Have a nice weekend!

2. Action Games and songs

2.1. Let's go to the playground!

2.2. Line up!

2.3. Sit down!

2.4. Stand up!

2.5. It's your turn!

2.6. Listen first, then sing!

2.7. You won.

3. To control the class

3.1. Stop chatting!

3.2. Be quiet!

3.3. Please pay attention!

3.4. Calm down!

3.5. Stop bothering!

3.6. Stop playing!

3.7. Don´t do that please!

3.8. Don't be rude!

4. To start the class

4.1. Hi! Good morning!

4.2. Ready?

4.3. Wait a minute!

4.4. Take out your books!

4.5. What did you say?

4.6. Work in group of two!

5. To ask for classroom materials

5.1. Take out a sheet of paper!

5.2. Help me stick yhis paper on the wall

5.3. Draw and color

5.4. Get some play dough and make a house!

5.5. Glue or paste!

6. Giving instructions and information

6.1. Do you understand?

6.2. Any question?

6.3. What does __________mean?

6.4. How do you spell_____?

6.5. Read!

6.6. Write!

6.7. Repeat after me!