by Alan Pillay
1. Thermometers
1.1. Clinical thermometer
1.2. Laboratory thermometer
2. Temperature
2.1. Degree Celsius
2.2. Human body temperature is 37 degrees celsius
3. Heat sensors or dataloggers
4. Heat Gain
4.1. Something that gains heat will becoming hotter
5. Heat always flows from a hotter to a colder place or object
6. Sources of heat
6.1. Natural Sources
6.1.1. Hot geyser
6.1.2. Sun
6.1.3. Hot Spring
6.2. Unnatural Sources
6.2.1. Candle Flame
6.2.2. Burning Coal
6.2.3. Matches
6.2.4. Burning Wood
6.2.5. Electric oven