The true story of the 3 little pigs

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The true story of the 3 little pigs by Mind Map: The true story of the 3 little pigs

1. Theme

1.1. The wolf went to jail

1.2. Strange

1.3. Don't believe every thing you read

2. Characters

2.1. The big bad wolf

2.1.1. Ate 2 pigs

2.1.2. He just wanted sugar

2.1.3. He was feared

2.2. The three pigs

2.2.1. 1st pig was dumb

2.2.2. 2nd pig was a little smarter

2.2.3. 3rd pig was the brains of the family

3. Setting

3.1. Out side in the country

3.2. Small houses for the pigys

3.3. Wolfs perspective