Education Psychology

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Education Psychology by Mind Map: Education Psychology

1. Lev Vygotsky

1.1. Three Assumptions

1.1.1. Role of Language

1.1.2. Social and Cultural

1.1.3. Developmental Trajectory Zone of Proximal Development: Learning that a student can achieve if guided by an adult or teacher. Scaffolding: The guidance a student needs to learn. Grows with the student

2. Urie Bronfenbrenner

2.1. Bioecological Theory: Focuses on the social contexts in which students live.

2.1.1. Five Ecological Systems Microsystem: Directly interact ex. family school work etc Mesosystem: Links microsystems Exosystem: student is affected but has no control E. govt, mass media, school board Macrosystem: The larger social and cultural context ex. culture, small town Alberta, religious Chronosystem: Time and place

3. Erikson's Stages of Human Development

3.1. Trust vs. Mistrust

3.2. Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt

3.3. Initiative vs. Guilt

3.4. Industry vs Inferiority

3.5. Identity vs. Identity Confusion

3.6. Intimacy vs. Isolation

3.7. Generativity vs Self Absorbtion

3.8. Integrity vs. Dispare

4. Lawrence Kolberg's Levels and Stages of Moral Development

4.1. Preconventional

4.1.1. a) Punishment: avoidance of something unpleasant.

4.1.2. b) Hedonism: do something out of pleasure

4.2. Conventional

4.2.1. c)"Nice girl/ Nice boy": desire for social approval

4.2.2. d) Law & Order: no because its against the rules/ law

4.3. Post Conventional

4.3.1. e) Social Contract: based on internal beliefs and values

4.3.2. f) Universal/Ethical: people led by internal morals regardless of taboo, law or consequence

5. IQ Testing and Children

5.1. Definition: simple way to describe intelligence by assigning a number that represents the ratio of mental age to chronological age times 100.

5.2. Standard Curve

5.3. Myths

5.3.1. Mysterious Quality

5.3.2. Only thing worth Knowing about someone

5.3.3. Do not change (they do)

5.4. Truth

5.4.1. IQ score correlated with academic success

6. Carol Gilligan

6.1. Individualistic

6.2. Justice Perspective

6.3. Care Perspective

6.4. Feminist

6.5. Justice+care=Gilligan

7. Gardeners 10 MI's

7.1. Visual/spatial

7.2. Mathmatical

7.3. Natural

7.4. Existential

7.5. Spiritual

7.6. Interpersonal

7.7. Intrapersonal

7.8. Musical

7.9. Verbal

7.10. Bodily/kinesthetic

8. Diversities

8.1. Socioeconomic Status (SES)

8.2. Cultural Capital

8.3. Reduce Barriers

8.4. Multicultural Education

9. Principals of Effective Teaching

9.1. Social & Ethical Matters

9.2. Multicultural Students

9.3. Subject Matter Competence

9.4. Professional Skills

9.4.1. Instructional Strategies

9.4.2. Goal Setting & Instructional Planning

9.4.3. Classroom Management

9.4.4. Motivational Skills

9.4.5. Communication Skills

9.4.6. Technology Skills

9.4.7. Working with Students with Diverse Backgrounds

9.5. Commitment

9.6. Professional Development

9.6.1. Positive Professional Identity

9.6.2. Seek Advice from Competent Experienced Teachers

9.6.3. Embrace Life-Long Learning

9.6.4. Build up Resources and Support

10. Being A Wise Consumer of Information About Education Psychology

10.1. Be cautious of what is represented in the popular media

10.2. Avoid drawing conclusions about an individual based on group research

10.3. Recognize how easy it is to generalize about a small or clinical sample

10.4. A single study is not the defining word

10.5. Consider the source of the information and it's credibilty

11. Jean Piaget

11.1. Cognative Processes

11.1.1. Schema:A concept or framework to organize experiences and information. Assimilation: New information fits unobtrusively into the existing schema. Accommodation: information does not fit unobtrusively and schema must be changed or rearranged so it fits.

11.2. Four Stages of Cognitive Development

11.2.1. Sensorimotor (birth-2yrs) interact with their environment through senses and movement.

11.2.2. Pre-operational (2-7 yrs) Beginning of symbolic thinking Intuitive thinking Egocentrism: they are at the centre of their old, don't know that people think differently.

11.2.3. Concrete Operational (7-11 yrs) Child can preform operational thinking (mental operations that are systematic and therefore reversible) Conservation: appearance of liquid may change but there is no change in volume. seriation: Child can arrange objects into series Transitivity: Children can infer about operations and come up with conclusions based on logic (A>B, B>C Therefore A>C)

11.2.4. Formal Operational (11-15+ years) abstract thinking Hypothetical Deductive reasoning: syllogism: man, mortal.

12. Videos

12.1. Allison Cameron

12.1.1. "Brain Gain": Students do better in school when they have 20 mins of rigorous exercize.

12.2. Shawn Anchor

12.2.1. "Positive Psychology: the Science of Happieness": Harvard, can improve tasks by 50% by just being happy before you do it.

12.3. Simon Sinek

12.3.1. "How Great Leadership inspires Action": Its not what you do but why you do it"

12.4. Richard St. Johns

12.4.1. 8 Secrets of success

12.5. Malcolm Gladewell

12.5.1. Anyone can be successful because success is determined by hard work and culture

12.6. William Ury

12.6.1. The walk from no to yes: the secret to peace is us and seeing things from the 3rd side, the outside perspective

12.7. Ken Robinson

12.7.1. "Do schools kill creativity"

12.8. Derek Sivers

12.8.1. "How to Start a movement"

12.9. John Hunter

12.9.1. Teaching with the world peace game