1. This page will be about all the different types of volunteering opportunities available, and our community outreach partners.
1.1. Google Forms: A form to record service hours of events the members volunteer for.
2. Volunteer/Service Hours
3. Teach For America
3.1. This page is all about Teach for America. There will be info on what TFA is, their history, the benefits and how to apply.
3.1.1. QR Code: Will add a QR code here so people with a QR code reader can access the direct Teach for America Website.
3.1.2. Info graphics: I will provide an inphographic displaying the high inequity of education in America.
4. Gallery
4.1. The Gallery page includes pictures of past events of our organization as well as TFA events.
4.1.1. Video Editing: I will provide videos that were edited using multi media.
5. News
5.1. The News Page is a blog about whats currently happening in AFE, TFA, and educational news across America. Information on upcoming meeting info, time, and location will be here as well as our social media accounts. There will be videos, links to articles, and a comment section to connect with all members of the club.
5.1.1. Google Forms: Sometime there will be surveys for members to do.
5.1.2. Canva Design: I will add flyers to this page advertising upcoming events such as meetings.
5.1.3. App: I will make an app that allows members to have easy access to the site as well as receive notifications for messages, upcoming events, and to see their service hours.
6. Home
6.1. The Home page gives a brief summary of what AFE is about and leads to other pages of information about the organization, Teach for America, and making a difference in a child's life. This page also includes the TFA and AFE logos.
6.1.1. Logo/ Image Editing: My specialized logo will be on this page that I made using photo editing.
6.1.2. Animation: I will create an animation promoting the organization.
7. About
7.1. The About page goes into more depth about the club and how we got started. The benefits and skills developed by being a member are included as well. It lists the club's executive board members and also a picture of the board.
7.1.1. Canva Design: Although this will not be on my site, I will be making business cards to have on me to promote the club.
7.1.2. Screencast: I will make a screencast presentation on AFE and the website navigation.
8. Contact
8.1. The Contact page allows people to get in touch with me or other board members as well as the Teach For America recruiter, Veronica. It also has a map of where our club is located, ASU Tempe campus.
8.1.1. Google Forms: A registration form will be here for new members to join.
8.1.2. QR Codes: I will add a QR code so people can access my site with their QR code readers.