How does Domestic Violence affect the victim and society around them?

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How does Domestic Violence affect the victim and society around them? by Mind Map: How does Domestic Violence affect the victim and society around them?


1.1. Emotional

1.1.1. Includes criticizing, belittling, insulting, making someone feel like they’re worth nothing. This type of domestic violence really hurts the victim inside.

1.2. Financial/Economical

1.2.1. Includes controlling all of the victim’s financial resources such as their income, wealth, their money that they have or earned, and even not letting victims do things like go to school or work etc.

1.3. Physical

1.3.1. Includes inflicting physical injury such as punching, grabbing, pushing, hitting, and fighting a victim. This type really physically hurts the victim and lays a sense of fear of the abuser on the victim.

1.4. Psychological

1.4.1. Includes things such as blackmailing, harassing, and threatening. This type also installs a sense of fear and control on the victim by the abuser.

1.5. Sexual

1.5.1. Includes attempting to gain sexual control over the victim such as rape, forced prostitution etc. It also includes degrading the victim using his or her sexuality.


2.1. Women

2.2. Men

2.3. Children


3.1. Behavior

3.1.1. Domestic violence tends to bring bad behavior problems especially among children. Many use their backlash and rage against other people. Some people also end up becoming abusers themselves when they grow older.

3.2. Children

3.2.1. Many children who are exposed to domestic violence tend to be more anti-social, face problems in schools, and among other people. Children also tend to have health and emotional problems such as depression. Some of these children also suffer from the domestic violence abuse, and even neglect.

3.3. Family

3.3.1. Many families get broken up. Parents get divorced, and the kids either goes with one parent or end up in foster care. There could also be many problems inside the family such as drug use alcoholism etc.

3.4. Mental Health

3.4.1. Many people who are victims or past victims of domestic violence face high rates of depression anxiety, and other types of emotional distress such as PTSD.


4.1. Western Nations

4.1.1. Drug use Many Abusers come home high and in the search for money to get a better fix, resulting in harming family members and other people.

4.1.2. Alcohlism Abusers come home drunk and act out against family members.

4.2. Eastern Nations

4.2.1. Religion/Culture South eastern, Middle eastern, African countries are influenced by radical religions, and cultural influences, where women and children are abused and kept as "slaves" and have no rights.

4.2.2. Drug use Many Abusers come home high and in the search for money to get a better fix, resulting in harming family members and other people.

4.2.3. Alcoholism Abusers come home drunk and act out against family members.

5. Children and Exposure to Domestic Violence. (2013). In S. J. Judd (Ed.), Health Reference Series. Domestic Violence Sourcebook (4th ed., pp. 147-158).

5.1. In this section of the book it talks about Children and how domestic violence affects those children that may have witnessed it, or even worse suffered from it. In a study it said that during 2003 over 15 million children lived in a family where domestic violence was present. This section also talks about other things that can happen to children due to domestic violence such as obesity PTSD, and other diseases/problems such as bed-wetting etc. One thing that’s different about this source is that it gives lots of statistics and studies that can help make clear observations on what effects domestic violence has on people and where domestic violence exhibits the most such as in what type of race experienced the most domestic violence. The main thing that draws me to this source is the graphs and charts that are included in the text. With all this Information especially the graphs and chart I can show clear statistics in my inquiry.

6. State Employment Protection Statutes for Victims of Domestic Violence: Public Policy’s Response to Domestic Violence as an Employment Matter Jennifer E. Swanberg,

6.1. This article by Swanberg shows us steps that are being taken to combat domestic violence mostly in working environment. In this article it says that domestic violence among employed adults in 2007 ranged from 10% to 21% and out of that 5% are workplace domestic violence cases. This article talks about how people can help, and stand up for those facing domestic violence by noticing it in the workplace. This article also provides a chart on employment protection for those who faced domestic violence in different states. This article can come in good use to show what is being done against domestic violence mainly because one effect of domestic violence is economic/financial

7. Drijber, B. C., Reijnders, U. L., & Ceelen, M. (2013). Male Victims of Domestic Violence. Journal Of Family Violence, 28(2), 173-178. doi:10.1007/s10896-012-9482-9

7.1. This article talks about male domestic violence victims, and how other studies only show domestic violence on women victims. Drijber describes that men usually do not report the abuse they face because they think that the police will not help them. Drijber also states that many of the men do not report it due to feeling shame, fearing revenge, and fearing that the report would not be taken seriously. This source is different from the other sources because it shows domestic violence against men.

8. KUNDU, H., BASAVARAJ, P., SINGLA, A., KOTE, S., SINGH, S., JAIN, S., & ... VASHISHTHA, V. (2014). Domestic Violence and its Effect on Oral Health Behaviour and Oral Health Status. Journal Of Clinical & Diagnostic Research, 8(11), 9-12. doi:10.7860/JCDR/2014/8669.5100

8.1. In this article Kundu goes a different route and talks about how domestic violence effects oral health behavior and oral health status. One example Kundu gives is that domestic violence cause stress and anxiety which in turn can lead to diseases like mouth sores, cold sores, teeth grinding and other bad habits. This article is different from the other articles I have because it talks about something that seems as if it can’t relate to the topic of domestic violence, but gives a correlation with it, and provides stats and data about it. In this article there also is a chart that correlates domestic violence with other variables such as education, occupation, and years of marriage.

9. By, D. G. (1991, Nov 27). Do arrests increase the rates of repeated domestic violence? New York Times (1923-Current File)Retrieved from

9.1. In this NY Times article Daniel Goleman looks at whether previous arrest in domestic violence cases result in the abuser to return to more domestic violence, or less. In his article a person name Dr.Sherman said that in communities where there are very little unemployment rate those who have been arrested for previous violence returned to it after they got released from jail. On the other hand those who were released in cities with little unemployment rates there was a decrease in relapsing to domestic violence behavior, and other violent behavior. Also in a study it showed a 7% chance of women being assaulted immediately after police left without making an arrest, and only 2% chance of assault after returning from jail. This can help me answer my question by giving me insight on the abusers of domestic violence cases.

10. Semahegn, A., & Mengistie, B. (2015). Domestic violence against women and associated factors in Ethiopia; systematic review. Reproductive Health, 12(1), 1-12. doi:10.1186/s12978-015-0072-1

10.1. Semahegn describes domestic violence in a part of the world where it’s very high especially amongst women. In this article the author clearly shows the rates of domestic violence in Ethiopia from 2000 to 2014. One thing I found very disturbing in this is that in 10 studies of domestic violence against women by husbands or intimate partners ranged from 20 to 78%. This text also includes a graph and chart that shows the prevalence, and magnitude of domestic violence in different parts of the world.

11. Goesel, K. (2013). Psychological Effects of Domestic Abuse. In L. L. Finley (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence and Abuse (Vol. 1, pp. 426-429). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. Retrieved from

11.1. This article by Goesel talks about the broad topic of Domestic violence. It tells us what it’s about what it includes and most importantly it talks about how it affects a person psychologically. Goesel explains that abusers use psychological abuse to further increase their power and control over the victim by degrading his or her self-worth. This source will really help me because it goes in depth into all aspects of domestic violence such as how it affects children, how it affects the mind etc. and will further allow me to narrow down to a specific idea in domestic violence such as effects on children and their behavior.

12. By Mohammed Alam ENG101 Tu. Th PD 2