Internationalisation financial aspects

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Internationalisation financial aspects Door Mind Map: Internationalisation financial aspects

1. Hosting students

1.1. See "resourceful" students

1.1.1. support infrastructure

1.1.2. Support network building

2. Sending students

2.1. Extracurricular: financial burden on student

2.1.1. you need money to do it

2.1.2. In some countries it is possible to work next to studies

2.2. Resourcefull students: with regards to skills

2.2.1. Organising fundraisers

2.2.2. making projects

2.2.3. e.g.

2.3. Scholarships

2.4. University support infrastructure to have students become "resourceful"

2.4.1. training

3. Equal relations

3.1. IFMSA and it's branches takes good care

3.2. However: internships are all extracurricular

4. Implementation of practices inside current curriculum

4.1. Few resources needed

5. Elective courses