Meteor.js Competencies

A working list of the information you need to know to get a Meteor.js app for idea to deployment. Based on Ruby on Rails Competencies by Brook Riggio.

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Meteor.js Competencies by Mind Map: Meteor.js Competencies

1. Javascript

1.1. ES6

1.2. Semantics

1.2.1. Primitive types

1.2.2. Conditionals

1.2.3. Operators

1.2.4. Loops

1.2.5. Arrays

1.2.6. Functions Anonymous Functions

1.2.7. .this .call( ) .bind( ) .apply( )

1.2.8. Objects

1.2.9. Methods

1.3. Scope chain

1.3.1. Global

1.3.2. local

1.4. Object Oriented Programming

1.4.1. Callbacks

1.4.2. Prototypes

1.5. Libraries

1.5.1. jQuery

1.5.2. underscore

1.6. CoffeeScript

2. MongoDB

2.1. Select

2.1.1. cursor

2.1.2. .find( )

2.1.3. .findOne( )

2.2. CRUD

2.2.1. .insert( )

2.2.2. .update( )

2.2.3. .delete( )

2.3. Joins

2.4. Transactions

2.5. EJSON

2.6. NoSQL

3. Deployment

3.1. Server Monitoring

3.2. Data Security

3.3. Platform

3.3.1. meteor deploy []

3.4. Configuration Management

3.4.1. Mup (Meteor Up)

3.5. Release Management

4. Testing

4.1. Mocks & Stubs

4.2. Factories or Fixtures

4.3. Unit

4.4. Functional

4.5. Integration

4.6. Performance

4.7. Frameworks

4.7.1. cucumber

4.7.2. tinytest

5. Meteor Framework

5.1. App structure

5.2. Client

5.2.1. Front-end Blaze Spacebars React Angular

5.2.2. Events

5.2.3. Helpers

5.2.4. Sessions

5.2.5. Subscriptions

5.3. Server

5.3.1. Publications

5.3.2. Keys, passwords

5.4. Client / Server

5.4.1. Collections

5.4.2. Methods

5.4.3. Reactive var

5.4.4. Routing flowrouter iron router

5.5. Command line

5.5.1. meteor (run)

5.5.2. meteor --settings

5.5.3. meteor add

5.5.4. meteor create

5.5.5. miniMongo

5.6. DDP

5.6.1. Tracker

5.7. Core Packages

5.7.1. Accounts

5.7.2. HTTP

6. Package Management

6.1. Atmosphere

6.2. .meteor/packages

6.3. meteor add [package:name]

7. Mobile

7.1. Enviornment

7.1.1. Cordova

7.2. Frameworks

7.2.1. Ionic

8. Web

8.1. HTTP

8.1.1. Media types

8.1.2. Request

8.1.3. Response

8.2. HTML

8.2.1. Semantics

8.2.2. The DOM

8.3. CSS

8.3.1. Semantics Selectors Properties

8.3.2. Frameworks Twitter Bootstrap Semantic UI

8.3.3. LESS / SASS

9. Operating System

9.1. Admin Permissions

9.2. File Management

9.3. Text Editor

9.4. Local host

10. Command Line

10.1. Navigation

10.1.1. cd

10.1.2. ls

10.1.3. mkdir

10.2. ssh, scp, keys

11. IDE / Text Editor

11.1. Shortcuts

11.2. Packages

11.3. Snippets

11.4. Advanced Editing

11.4.1. Emmet

11.4.2. Multiline edits

11.4.3. Rapid file switching

12. Git

12.1. Version Control

12.1.1. Distributed vs non

12.1.2. Diff

12.1.3. Branching

12.1.4. Merging Push Pull

12.2. Github / Bit Bucket

12.2.1. Forking

12.2.2. Pull Requests

12.3. config

12.3.1. Remotes

12.3.2. Defaults