Post US Civil War

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Post US Civil War by Mind Map: Post US Civil War

1. Jim Crow

1.1. Reading 1: System of government that supported the oppression and segregation of different races.

1.1.1. Whites were chosen people. Blacks were servants. God supported segregation of races. It was said that even as few as on or two Blacks in a neighborhood would reduce the price of real estate there.

1.1.2. Immediately labeled Blacks as second class citizens under Whites. Video 1: Caused share cropping where Blacks were still working for and being controlled by White land owners. Tied people to land they didn't own. Similar to slavery. Most wealth was considered ownership of land.

1.2. Video 3: When moving, Blacks were put in different neighborhoods than Whites. The value of the same type of land in Black communities was worth less than that in White communities.

1.2.1. This gave Whites more wealth by owning Land and depreciated Black wealth.

1.3. Reading 5: Blacks did not have the ability to vote, making them easily ignored.

2. Whiteness

2.1. Video 2: People were considered Black even though they were 7/8 White and only 1/8 Black.

2.2. Reading 3: Protestants are superior. Catholics are excluded from many things by law.

2.3. Reading 4: The American economy improved significantly after the war making it easier for Euro-ethnics to reach the middle and upper classes. This blurred the line of whiteness.

3. Immigration

3.1. Video 1: People born in the U.S. are citizens, others have to go through long process.

3.2. Reading 3: Irish were put in neighborhoods and jobs with Blacks, when they came to the U.S.

3.2.1. The property they are given is worth less than that in White neighborhoods.