Agricultural Runoff

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Agricultural Runoff por Mind Map: Agricultural Runoff

1. Mississippi

1.1. Legislation

1.1.1. Federal legislation Farm Water

1.1.2. State legislation Water legislation Farm legislation

2. Yellow River

2.1. Quality driven water shortage

2.2. highly populated areas

3. Danube River

3.1. Mitigation

4. Nile River

4.1. length

5. Galapagos Islands

5.1. Criticism

5.1.1. environmentalists invasives concerns, runoff

5.1.2. preservationists

5.1.3. tourists asthetic

5.2. Farming

5.2.1. cheaper and more efficient than shipping food in

5.2.2. highly protected only water can be used, no pesticides or fertilizers no modern technology can be used

5.2.3. invasives likely

6. Economics

6.1. cost of runoff clean-up

6.2. cost of preventing runoff

7. Water quality

7.1. algae blooms

7.2. water supply to cities

7.2.1. Bull Run, eg, highly protected

8. Farmers

8.1. Incentives to prevent pollution

8.2. Cost of barriers to pollution

9. Oceans

9.1. dead zones

9.1.1. Fisherman fish kill

9.1.2. tourism

10. Health

10.1. Human

10.1.1. Blue baby syndrome

10.1.2. bioaccumulation of pollutants in our food

10.2. Ecosystems

10.2.1. fish kill

11. Rhetoric surrounding agriculture

11.1. diet fads

11.2. villainization of farmers

11.3. GMO opinions