Introduction to computers

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Introduction to computers by Mind Map: Introduction to computers

1. The components of a computer

1.1. Input Device

1.2. Output Device

1.3. System Unit

1.4. Storage Device

1.5. Communications Device

2. Computer Software

2.1. System Software

2.2. Application Software

3. Computer Applications in Society

3.1. education

3.2. finance

3.3. government

3.4. health care

3.5. science

3.6. publishing

3.7. travel

3.8. manufacturing

4. Elements of an Information System

4.1. hardware

4.2. software

4.3. data

4.4. people

4.5. procedures

5. Categories of Computers

5.1. Personal computer

5.1.1. The Apple

5.1.2. The PC

5.2. Mobile computers - devices

5.2.1. Mobile computers notebook computer tablet PC smart phone PDA

5.2.2. Mobile devices handheld computer portable media player digital camera

5.3. Game consoles

5.3.1. single player

5.3.2. multiplayer

5.4. Embedded Computers

5.4.1. consumer electronics

5.4.2. home automation devices

5.4.3. automobiles

5.4.4. process controllers and robotics

5.4.5. computer devices and office machines

5.5. Servers

5.5.1. Mainframes

5.5.2. Supercomputers