Computer Security and Safety, Ethics, and Privacy

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Computer Security and Safety, Ethics, and Privacy by Mind Map: Computer Security and Safety, Ethics, and Privacy

1. Computer Security Risks

1.1. Hackers

1.2. Cracker

1.3. Script kiddie

1.4. Corporate spy

1.5. Unethical

1.6. Employee

1.7. cyberextortionist, and cyberterrorist

2. Information Theft

2.1. Encrytion

2.2. Digital Certificates

2.3. Transport Layer Security

2.4. Secure HTTP

2.5. VPN

3. Backing up - The Ultimate Safeguard

4. Wireless Security

5. Health Concerns of Computer Use

5.1. Computers and Health Risks

5.2. Ergonomics and Workplace Design

5.3. Computer Addiction

6. Ethics and Society

6.1. Information Accuracy

6.2. Intellectual Property Rights

6.3. Green Computing

6.4. Codes of Conduct

7. Internet and Network Attacks

7.1. Viruses

7.2. worms

7.3. Trojan horse

7.4. Rootkits

7.5. Botnets

7.6. Denail of Service Attacks

7.7. Back Doors

7.8. Spoofing

7.9. Firewalls

7.10. Intrustion Detection Software

7.11. Honeypots

8. Unauthorized Access and Use

8.1. Safeguard agianst Unaythorized Access Use

8.2. Identify and Authenticating Users

8.3. Password and Username

8.4. Biometric Devices

8.5. Digital Forensics

9. Hardware Theft and Vandalism

10. Software Theft

11. System Failure

12. Information Privacy

12.1. Electronic Profiles

12.2. Cookies

12.3. Spam

12.4. Phishing

12.5. Spyware and Adware

12.6. Privacy Laws

12.7. Social Engineering

12.8. Employee Monitoring

12.9. Content Filtering