Developing websites and web apps with React

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Developing websites and web apps with React por Mind Map: Developing websites and web apps with React

1. Flux

1.1. Redux

1.2. Reflux

1.3. NuclearJS

1.4. ...

2. CSS

2.1. ReactCSS

2.2. React Style

2.3. PostCSS

2.3.1. react-postcss

2.3.2. postcss-js

3. DOM

3.1. JSX

3.2. t7.js

3.3. React.DOM

4. Functional Reactive Programming

4.1. Rambda

4.2. RxJS

4.3. Bacon.js

4.4. Highland

4.5. Meteor

4.6. Immutable.js

5. Tools

5.1. Webpack

5.2. Gulp

5.3. Babel

5.4. Flow

5.5. Package management

5.5.1. Bower

5.5.2. NPM

5.5.3. JSPM

6. Programming languages

6.1. TypeScript

6.2. PureScript

6.3. ClojureScript

6.3.1. Reagent

7. Other JS frameworks

7.1. Angular

7.2. Ember

7.3. Aurelia

7.4. Meteor

7.5. Vue.js

7.6. Mithril.js

8. React Native

9. UI frameworks

9.1. Elemental UI

9.2. Material UI

10. Resources


10.2. /r/reactjs

11. React Pros

11.1. Composibility

11.2. Sharing components with web and mobile

12. React Cons

13. Research topics

13.1. The influence of React on the development of websites and web apps.

13.2. How is React shaping the future of front-end development?

13.3. What is the best development stack for combining React with Drupal/WordPress for (company name)?

13.4. React vs Angular 2

14. Debates

14.1. HTML in JS (JSX)

14.2. Performance

14.3. Testability

15. Testing

15.1. Reagent

16. Animation

17. Boilerplates

17.1. Este.js