Language Arts Standards, Grade 3

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Language Arts Standards, Grade 3 by Mind Map: Language Arts Standards, Grade 3

1. Teaching Supplemental Materials: Level Reading Books, Making Meaning

1.1. 3.I.A. Reading and Literature: Word Recognition, Analysis, and Fluency. The student will apply word recognition strategies to decode unfamiliar multi-syllabic words and read grade-appropriate text with accuracy and fluency.

1.1.1. Reading Foundations: Phonics and Word Recognition: #1, #8 #1 Students know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words #8 Identify and understand words and phrases that indicate logical relationships

2. Teaching Supplemental Materials: Level Reading Books, Making Meaning

2.1. 3.I.C. Comprehension: The student will understand the meaning of texts using a variety of comprehension strategies and will demonstrate literal, interpretive and evaluative comprehension

2.1.1. Reading Foundations: Phonics and Word Recognition: #4 #4 explain the meanings of words and phrases as they are used in the text

2.1.2. Language Development: Vocabulary: #3 #3 distinguish between literal and nonliteral uses of language

3. Teaching Supplemental Materials: Level Reading Books, Making Meaning

3.1. 3.I.D. Reading and Literature: Literature. The student will actively engage in the reading process and read, understand, respond to, analyze, interpret, evaluate and appreciate a wide variety of fiction, poetic and nonfiction texts

3.1.1. Reading and Literature: #3 #3 Describe in detail a specific character, event, or topic in the text

3.1.2. Reading and Literature: Reading Foundations: #6, #9, #10 #6 Compare and contrast different versions of the same story or informational texts on the same subject #9 Identify who is telling the story or providing information at any given point in the text #10 Develop the habit of reading independently and productively, sustaining concentration and stamina to read increasingly demanding text

3.1.3. Reading and Literature: Developing Fluency: #2 #2 Students read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension

4. Teaching Supplemental Materials: Level Reading Books, Making Meaning

4.1. 3.I.B. Reading and Literature: Vocabulary Expansion. The students will use a variety of strategies to expand reading, listening and speaking vocabularies

4.1.1. Language Development Standards: Vocabulary: #1, #2, #4, #5, #6 #1 Determine or clarify the meaning of an unknown word by using one or more of the following strategies Strategy 1: using prefixes and suffices when it is a multimorpheme word Strategy 2: determine the meaning of multiple-meaning words by using context Strategy 3: consulting reference materials, including glossaries and dictionaries, both print and digital #2 Determine the meaning of multiple-meaning words by using context #4 Paraphrase the meaning of common idioms and sayings #5 Distinguish among related words that describe states of mind, degrees of certainty, or other abstract concepts #6 Acquire and use new vocabulary taught directly and gained through reading and conversations

5. Teaching Supplemental Materials: Six Traits Writing Process, Lucy Calkin

5.1. 3.II. A. Writing: Types of Writing. The student will compose various pieces of writing

5.1.1. Writing and Research: #1 Write narratives, informative and explanatory texts, and opinions that communicate to a familiar, known audience

6. Teaching Supplement Materials: Rebecca Sitton

6.1. 3.II.B. Elements of Composition. The student will engage in writing process, with attention to organization, focus and quality of ideas.

6.1.1. Writing and Research: #2, #3, #4 #2 Gather information from experiences or provided text sources #3 With specific guidance, strengthen writing through revision #4 Gain familiarity with technology and other tools to produce, revise, and edit writing

6.1.2. Language Development: Conventions: #1, #2 #1 Group related ideas into paragraphs #2 Generate complete sentences, avoiding fragments, comma splices, and run-ons

7. Textbook/Teaching Supplemental Materials: Rebbeca Sitton

7.1. 3.II.C. Writing: Spelling, Grammar and Usage: The student will apply standard English conventions when writing

7.1.1. Reading and Literature: Reading Foundations: #1 #1 Students know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words

7.1.2. Language Development: Vocabulary: #6 #6 Acquire and use new vocabulary taught directly and gained through reading and conversations

7.1.3. Language Development: Conventions: #2, #3, #4, #5, #6 #2 Generate complete sentences, avoiding fragments, comma splices, and run-ons #3 Ensure subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement #4 Use quotation marks in dialogue #5 Use spelling patterns and generalizations in writing regular words #6 Consult reference materials, including dictionaries, to check and correct spellings

8. Teaching Supplemental Materials: Reference Materials found in Library, Computer Lab, reference materials on hand in classroom

8.1. 3.II.D. Writing Research. The student will locate and use information in reference materials

8.1.1. Writing Research: #2 #2 Gather information from experiences or provided text sources

8.1.2. Language Development: Conventions: #6 #6 Consult reference materials, including dictionaries, to check and correct spellings

8.1.3. Language Development: Vocabulary: #1 #1 Determine or clarify the meaning of an unknown word by using one or more of the following strategies (strategy that applies here) Strategy: consulting reference materials, including glossaries and dictionaries, both print and digital

9. Teaching Supplemental Materials: Rebecca Sitton

9.1. 3.II.E. Writing: Handwriting and Word Processing. The student will write legibly

9.1.1. Writing and Research: #4 #4 Gain familiarity with technology and other tools to produce, revise, and edit writing

10. Teaching Supplemental Materials: Making Meaning

10.1. 3.III.A. Speaking, Listening, and Viewing: Speaking and Listening. The student will demonstrate understanding and communicate effectively through listening and speaking.

10.1.1. Speaking and Listening: #1, #2, #3, #4 #1 Participate productively in small groups and as a class, engaging in a series of oral exchanges about texts and topics #2 Sustain concentration on information presented orally, visually, or multi-modally and confirm understanding by paraphrasing the information #3 Share experiences and ideas, thinking about the needs of the listeners #4 Speak audibly and clearly at an understandable pace

11. Teaching Supplemental Materials: Library reference materials, Computer Lab, reference materials on hand in classroom

11.1. 3.III.C. Speaking, Listening and Viewing: Media Literacy. The student will critically analyze information found in electronic and print media, and will use a variety of these sources to learn about a topic and represent ideas.

11.1.1. Writing Research: #2, #4 #2 Gather information from experiences or provided text sources #4 Gain familiarity with technology and other tools to produce, revise, and edit writing