Alberta Social Studies Program of Studies (POS) Frontmatter
by charlene raymond
1. Definition of Social Studies
1.1. the study of people in relation to each other and to their world
1.1.1. issues- focused
1.1.2. inquiry-based
1.1.3. interdisciplinary subject
1.2. history
1.3. geography
1.4. ecology
1.5. economics
1.6. law
1.7. philosophy
1.8. political
1.9. science
1.10. social sciences
2. The Role of Social Studies
2.1. Values and Attitudes
2.1.1. value diversity
2.1.2. respect dignity
2.1.3. support equality
2.1.4. demonstrate compassion, fairness, justice
2.1.5. respect humanity and world issues
2.2. Knowledge and Understanding
2.2.1. understand their rights and responsibilities
2.2.2. understand the unique nature of Canada
2.2.3. understand the diversity of Aboriginal traditions
2.2.4. Understand how knowledge of the past contributes to a better comprehension of the future
2.2.5. understand contemporary challenges
2.2.6. understand political and economic distribution
2.2.7. understand the role of legal institutions
2.3. Skills and Processes
3. Program Vision
3.1. 21st century learners
3.2. citizenship and identity
3.3. multiple perspectives
3.3.1. Aboriginal
3.3.2. Francophone