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Whole Numbers by Mind Map: Whole Numbers

1. Two Digit Multiplication Algorithms

1.1. Alternative

1.1.1. Lattice Multiplication

1.2. Processes

1.2.1. Visual

1.2.2. Distributive Property

1.2.3. Expanded Algorithm

1.2.4. Standard Algorithm

2. Properties of Whole Numbers

2.1. Associative Property

2.2. Commutative Property

2.3. Distributive Property

2.4. Closure Property

2.5. Identity Property

3. Multiplication of Whole Numbers

3.1. Representation

3.1.1. Repeated Addition

3.1.2. Array

3.1.3. Cartesian Product

3.2. Parts of the Equation

4. Division of Whole Numbers

4.1. Representation

4.1.1. Count Elements

4.1.2. Count Sets

4.2. Parts of the Equation

5. Two Digit Division Algorithms

5.1. Processes

5.1.1. Visual

5.1.2. Scaffolding Method

5.1.3. Long Division