Student Assessments in Grade 6 Math. By Chung H Cho

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Student Assessments in Grade 6 Math. By Chung H Cho により Mind Map: Student Assessments in Grade 6 Math.  By Chung H Cho

1. 1 Diagnostic

1.1. Definition

1.1.1. Diagnoses a student's knowledge and skills in a certain learning area

1.2. Purpose

1.2.1. The data gathered helps teachers more effectively scaffold the learning needs of students.

1.3. Advantages

1.3.1. Helpful to learn students' knowledge gaps

1.4. Disadvantages

1.4.1. None really, unless the assessment misrepresents the student.

1.5. It's an assessment FOR Learning, when the diagnostic data is shared with students. At that point, students can also make decision about how to proceed in the learning process.

1.6. Example: Grade 6 Math Diagnostic from District 71 in Courtenay, BC


2. 6 Portfolio

2.1. Definition

2.1.1. A review of student-developed artifacts

2.2. Purpose

2.2.1. Shows the student's progress through a series of works

2.3. Advantages

2.3.1. Provides evidence of student work

2.3.2. A more holistic view of student learning

2.4. Disadvantages

2.4.1. Time-consuming in order to organize and maintain.

2.5. It is an assessment FOR learning because students have choices about their work and the self-descriptions of their work. They can also monitor their progress based on a rubric given by the teacher

2.6. Example: Grade 6 Math Portfolio template. Students first go through a pre-assessment. Then they set personal learning goals. After the unit, they see if these goals have been achieved, and they write reflection pieces. From



3. 7 Authentic

3.1. Definition

3.1.1. The assessment of a real-world skill or practice, which a student will emulate

3.2. Purpose

3.2.1. To validate whether or not students are able to achieve intellectually worthy tasks such as reading, writing, researching, problem-solving and data-interpretation.

3.3. Advantages

3.3.1. Presents contexts and real-world situations. Traditional multiple-choice exams lack proper contexts

3.4. Disadvantages

3.4.1. Can be time-consuming and costly

3.4.2. Subjective grading criteria may come into play

3.5. It is an evaluation OF learning. The students are being tested on what they know. But contrary to traditional testing methods, we can have more realistic tests such as: opening a bank account, shopping for grocery items, making a monthly budget, creating a daily schedule, and so on.

3.6. Examples: Balancing a checkbook, budgeting for the next 3 months.


4. 8 Self-Assessment

4.1. Definition

4.1.1. It is the realistic judgment of one's own purpose. (Cornell - CTE).

4.2. Purpose

4.2.1. To help students practice and improve self-assessing skills

4.3. Advantages

4.3.1. Trains students in self-monitoring.

4.3.2. It develops self-directed learning (CTE)

4.4. Disadvantages

4.4.1. May not be accurate

4.4.2. Time consuming

4.5. It is an assessment FOR learning, because students take direct responsibility to evaluate themselves.

4.6. Example: Students will encounter a math problem. They will show their work and solve. Then the teacher will display the actual steps and correct answer. At this point, students who got the wrong answer must self-evaluate. Why did they get the wrong answer? Which steps did they miss? And what should they have done? They must answer these type of questions with satisfaction.


5. 9 Peer Assessment

5.1. Definition

5.1.1. Students are equipped with criteria to evaluate each other's work

5.2. Purpose

5.2.1. Students develop their understanding of learning objectives and success criteria (NFER)

5.3. Advantages

5.3.1. Encourages student involvement

5.3.2. Feedback can be more relevant because it is given by peers

5.4. Disadvantages

5.4.1. Subjectivity is a factor. Students may be motivated to award more harshly or more easily based on various reasons.

5.5. It is an assessment FOR learning, because students are hearing feedback from each other in order to progress.

5.6. Example: Students work in small groups to review their Math homework assignment. (Teaching Channel: Student-to-Student Assessment)




6. 2 Formative

6.1. Definition

6.1.1. Ongoing assessment that gives descriptive feedback to the student

6.2. Purpose

6.2.1. The descriptive feedback allows the student to revise and relearn previous efforts

6.3. Advantages

6.3.1. Not graded so it alleviates some student anxiety about grades. It allows students to make mistakes. Knowledge gaps can be detected earlier in the unit, as opposed to the end of the unit.

6.4. Disadvantages

6.4.1. Since it is not graded, students may take it less seriously. It can consume class time

6.5. It is assessment FOR learning because students can monitor their own progress within the unit. They can see the progress they've made and chart their own growth

6.6. Example: Math ratios and proportions. Students mix cola and orange soda. They will then revise certain student examples stating whether the mixtures would taste the same or not.

6.7. Rick Wormeli


7. 3 Summative

7.1. Definition

7.1.1. Assessment that takes place at the end of the unit

7.2. Purpose

7.2.1. To evaluate student progress at the completion of a unit

7.3. Advantages

7.3.1. Motivates students to study, because there is a grade associated. Gives insight for teachers about the effectiveness of instruction or testing method

7.4. Disadvantages

7.4.1. Sometimes teachers may teach for the purposes of higher grades on the final exam, rather than the purposes of student growth. Summative assessments may not always be the most accurate reflection of learning

7.5. It's an assessment OF learning because it analyzes how much the student has learned.

7.6. Example: Louisiana Dept. of Education, Grade 6 Math test:


8. 4 Performance-based

8.1. Definition

8.1.1. Rather than answering questions in the style of summative assessments, performance-based assessments require students to demonstrate skills and knowledge acquired

8.2. Purpose

8.2.1. To evaluate student progress, similar to summative assessments. It is the method of testing that is different.

8.3. Advantages

8.3.1. More practical and interdisciplinary

8.3.2. Allows students more freedom to demonstrate mastery in the subject

8.4. Disadvantages

8.4.1. Judgment on these assessments can be more subjective. Graders may have differences in opinion about student projects, portfolios and essays.

8.5. It is assessment OF learning because the grader evaluates the performance of the student

8.6. Example: A project where students are asked to compare 3 types of Gym membership packages. From:


9. 5 High-Stakes

9.1. Definition

9.1.1. NCLB (No Child Left Behind Act 2001) is a major example. This is testing done with "high-stakes". There are consequences to schools, staff and students.

9.2. Purpose

9.2.1. Rewards for good performance, and penalties for poor performance. This includes things like funding for schools, bonuses for teachers, and passing (or not passing) for students.

9.3. Advantages

9.3.1. Can increase accountability in the classroom. Teachers and students are held to higher standards.

9.3.2. Higher stakes can motivate students to learn better

9.4. Disadvantages

9.4.1. May have teachers try to get higher scores, or defend low scores as "not their fault." In essence, the focus is removed from teaching, and put on achieving good test results.

9.4.2. May have focus only on low-achievers, in order to meet minimum requirements. Or low-achievers may be removed from the school in order to raise the school's profile.

9.5. An assessment OF learning, similar to summative assessments, but with bigger consequences

9.6. Examples: Common Core tests, SAT, ACT, and other university entrance exams. Tests for foreign students such as the TOEFL.



10. References

10.1. Diagnostic Assessments. (2013) From:

10.2. Cornell Center for Teaching Excellence. Self-Assessment. From

10.3. Fernsten, L. (2009) Portfolio Assessments. From:

10.4. The Iris Center. High-stakes assessments. From:

10.5. The National Foundation of Educational Research (NFER). Self and Peer Assessment. From:

10.6. Project Appleseed. Performance based Assessment. From:!assessment/cwvf

10.7. Saminsky, A. (2001). High Stakes Standardized Testing From:

10.8. Sasser, N. Advantages and Disadvantages of Formative and Summative assessment. From:

10.9. Summative Assessment. From:

10.10. Teaching Channel. Student-To-Student Assessment. From:

10.11. Wiggins, G. (1990). The Case for Authentic Assessment. From: