"Top 10 Tactics and Tools for 'Tightening your Tribe' with Social Media"

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"Top 10 Tactics and Tools for 'Tightening your Tribe' with Social Media" por Mind Map: "Top 10 Tactics and Tools for 'Tightening your Tribe' with Social Media"

1. Use 'branded' email

1.1. Google Apps

2. Leverage outposts

2.1. Facebook

2.2. Twitter

2.3. LinkedIn

2.4. Other

2.4.1. Photo sites

2.4.2. Video sites

2.4.3. eNewsletters

3. Do it all on the go

3.1. iPhone

3.2. Android

3.3. BlackBerry

4. Use Chrome

4.1. Fast

4.2. Safe

4.3. Extensible

5. Create online profiles

5.1. Retaggr

5.1.1. WiseStamp

5.2. Google profile

5.3. Gist

6. Listen

6.1. RSS

6.2. Google Reader

6.3. Feedly

6.4. Gist

6.5. Forums, etc.

6.6. Twitter search

7. Blog

7.1. Posterous

7.2. Blogger

7.3. WordPress

8. Integrate your browser & blog

8.1. Posterous bookmarklet

8.2. ScribeFire

8.3. LiveWriter

9. Share

9.1. Shareaholic

9.2. ShareThis

10. Bookmark socially

10.1. Google Reader shared items