Creating A Legal Organ Market in the U.S.: What Future Health Care Providers Should Know

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Creating A Legal Organ Market in the U.S.: What Future Health Care Providers Should Know by Mind Map: Creating A Legal Organ Market in the U.S.: What Future Health Care Providers Should Know

1. Alternative solutions

1.1. Presumed Consent

1.1.1. Mossialos, Elias, Joan Costa-Font, and Caroline Rudisill. "Does organ donation legislation affect individuals' willingness to donate their own or their relative's organs?

1.1.2. No give, no take policies Tabarrok, Alex. "The Meat Market." The Wall Street Journal - Digital Network.

1.1.3. Clemmons, Allison. "Organ Transplantation: Is the Best Approach a Legalized Market or Altruism?."

1.2. Xenotransplantation and expanding therapeutic cloning

1.2.1. Clemmons, Allison. "Organ Transplantation: Is the Best Approach a Legalized Market or Altruism?."

2. Why the debate?

2.1. A brief history of the organ donor and donation shortage

2.1.1. Donor and transplant statistics "UNOS | Donation & Transplantation | Data." United Network for Organ Sharing.

2.1.2. Current U.S. legistlation "UNOS | Donation & Transplantation | Data." United Network for Organ Sharing. Web. 16 Sept. 2010. <>. Mossialos, Elias, Joan Costa-Font, and Caroline Rudisill. "Does organ donation legislation affect individuals' willingness to donate their own or their relative's organs?

3. Why should you care?

3.1. Personal Opinion

3.2. Clemmons, Allison. "Organ Transplantation: Is the Best Approach a Legalized Market or Altruism?."

4. Pros

4.1. Friedman, E. A., and A. L. Friedman. "Payment for donor kidneys: Pros and cons."

4.2. Tabarrok, Alex. "The Meat Market." The Wall Street Journal - Digital Network.

5. Cons

5.1. Friedman, E. A., and A. L. Friedman. "Payment for donor kidneys: Pros and cons."

5.2. Rothman, S. M., and D. J. Rothman. "The Hidden Cost of Organ Sale."

5.3. Clemmons, Allison. "Organ Transplantation: Is the Best Approach a Legalized Market or Altruism?."