
Project for AQ eLearning course

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Learning by Mind Map: Learning

1. Process

1.1. Kinesthetic

1.2. Visual

1.2.1. Still images

1.2.2. Slideshows

1.2.3. Video

1.3. Auditory

1.4. Tactile

2. Instructional Environment

2.1. Differentiated

2.2. Direct

2.3. Collaborative

2.4. Constructivist

2.5. Individualized

2.5.1. Gender

2.5.2. Ethnicity

2.5.3. Mythology

2.5.4. Gender Identity

2.5.5. Age

2.5.6. Disability

2.5.7. Home language

3. Reflection

3.1. Evaluation

3.2. Assessment

3.2.1. Prior

3.2.2. Formative

3.2.3. Summative

3.2.4. Self

3.3. Product

3.4. Process

3.5. Expectations

4. My Geistesblitzes

4.1. H

4.2. Q

4.3. cffgy

5. Skill

5.1. Physical

5.1.1. Coordination

5.1.2. Motor control Gross Fine

5.2. Literacy

5.2.1. Home language

5.2.2. Second+ language

5.3. Numeracy

5.3.1. Arithmetic

5.3.2. Algebraic skills

5.3.3. Geometric skills

5.4. Artistic

5.4.1. Creativity

5.4.2. Passion

5.5. Personal

5.5.1. Dedication

5.5.2. Empathy

5.5.3. Perserverance

5.5.4. Volunteerism

5.5.5. Stress management

5.5.6. Time management

6. Participants

6.1. Teacher

6.2. Student

6.3. Parents

6.4. Other students

6.5. Administration

6.6. Ministry

6.6.1. EQAO

6.7. Community

6.8. External agencies

6.8.1. International Baccalaureate

6.8.2. College Board Advanced Placement PSAT/SSAT/SAT

6.8.3. Professional Organizations NCTM NCTE ASCD

6.9. Post secondary schools

6.9.1. Universities

6.9.2. College

6.9.3. Technical schools

6.9.4. Faculties of Education

6.10. Employers

6.11. Provincial teacher unions

6.12. Ontario College of Teachers