Diagram of The Odyssey

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Diagram of The Odyssey by Mind Map: Diagram of The Odyssey

1. Textual Order

1.1. 1. The Telemachia

1.2. 2. The Paeacid

1.3. 3. The Apologoi

1.4. 4. The Eumaead

1.5. 5. The Ptochaead

1.6. 6. The Tisis

2. Chronological Order

2.1. 1. The Apologoi

2.2. 2 or 3

2.2.1. The Phaeacid

2.2.2. The Telemachia

2.3. 4. The Eumaead

2.4. 5. The Ptochaead

2.5. 6. The Tisis