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My PLN by Mind Map: My PLN

1. Photographs

1.1. Flickr

1.2. Instagram

2. Video

2.1. YouTube

2.1.1. TED

2.1.2. Edutopia

2.1.3. JISC

2.1.4. ISTE

2.1.5. Khan Academy

2.2. TeacherTube

2.3. Vimeo

3. Workplace Teacher Development Framework

3.1. College Collaborative Project

3.2. Individual Development Plan

4. Professional Reading

4.1. Library journals

4.1.1. Australian Library Journal

4.1.2. Library Journal

4.1.3. Access

4.1.4. Scan

4.1.5. Synergy

4.1.6. Teacher Librarian

4.2. Digital learning journals

4.2.1. Entrsekt

4.2.2. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education

4.3. Literature journals

4.3.1. Magpies

4.3.2. Bookseller & Publisher

4.3.3. Reading Time

4.4. Education

4.4.1. Educational Leadership

4.4.2. IB World

5. Conferences & Workshops

6. Content Curation

6.1. Pinterest

6.1.1. Boards for students

6.2. ScoopIt!

6.2.1. For teachers

7. Social Networking

7.1. Twitter

7.1.1. Educators

7.1.2. Libraries & museums

7.1.3. News & media

7.1.4. Library professionals

7.2. Facebook Groups

7.2.1. Workplace group

7.3. LinkedIn

8. Blogs

8.1. Educators

8.1.1. Web 2.0

8.1.2. Learning technologies

8.1.3. School libraries

9. Social bookmarking

9.1. Diigo

10. Recording & Aggregating

10.1. Evernote

10.2. Diigo

10.3. Instapaper

10.4. Pocket

10.5. Feedly