Socratic Dialouge
by yesenia lara
1. S: What can we give the gods?
2. E:providing a service to the gods
3. S: which comes first holiness or being loved by the gods
4. S: holiness is a part of justice
5. E: the god love justice
6. S: The gods disagree
7. E: What is loved by the gods
8. S: Generic definition of the concept holiness and piety
9. E: Persecuting the evil
10. Socrates asked "What is the ruer makes a bad law which actually leads to injustice
10.1. New node
11. Thrasymachus said that it was the intrest of the stronger ruler
12. Socrates asked to explain what he mean by stronger and stronger what?
13. Thrasymachus is asked to explain what justice is and he says justice is the intrest of the stronger