Meaningful Writing Multigenre Writing

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Meaningful Writing Multigenre Writing par Mind Map: Meaningful Writing Multigenre Writing

1. Students

1.1. Personal narritives

1.2. Pull them into themselves

1.3. Broaden out slowly

1.4. Real reason for writing

2. Choice

2.1. Choice = Excitement

2.2. Excitement = Powerful writing

2.3. Relates to own experiences

3. Scope

3.1. Broaden scope of student's world

3.2. Thinking outside their own world

3.3. Adult writing world

3.4. Writing is more than an exercise

4. Meaningful Writing

5. Benefits

5.1. Student Choice

5.2. Engaging

5.3. Meaningful writing

5.4. Fosters creativity

6. Pieces of Writing

6.1. Poem

6.2. Notes

6.3. Birth certificate

6.4. Speeches

6.5. Recipes

6.6. Diary entries

7. Allows Students to...

7.1. Choose topoics

7.2. Choose style of writing

7.3. Be creative

7.4. Think outside traditional writing

8. Projects

8.1. Research Paper

8.2. Autobiography

8.3. Biography

9. Multigenre Writing