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CRU at ASU создатель Mind Map: CRU at ASU

1. Home

1.1. The Home page will be the center of the website and provide the most current activities and information that may catch the viewers eye.

1.1.1. LOGO: The CRU logo will be used on the home page.

1.1.2. Video Project: A video introducing CRU

2. About

2.1. The About page will hold information about CRU and explain what it is so people viewing the website will be understand what this club is about.

2.1.1. Piktochart: An infographic will be displayed here giving information about CRU and college students

3. Contact

3.1. The Contact page will include information on how to join the club or receive more information about it.

3.1.1. Social Media: Links to the CRU Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter will be here so people can connect with CRU at ASU.

3.2. Screencast: I will create a screencast on how to follow CRU on all different types of social media

4. Activities

4.1. The Activities page will be filled with past and present activities that this club has held or been a part of.

4.1.1. Digital Photo Editing: Photos from activities and events.

4.2. Graphic Design and QR Code: Will show a flyer of the meeting day/time

5. Find Your Community

5.1. Here you will be able to find what bible study to attend and when and where it meets.

5.1.1. Google Form: A Google form will be created so that people interested in finding a bible study can leave their information.

5.2. APP Prototype: I will create an app that will give alerts to when your scheduled bible study time is and if anything changes