21st Century Student Writing

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21st Century Student Writing por Mind Map: 21st Century Student Writing

1. Meaninful Writing

1.1. Make it personal

1.2. Indentify audience

1.3. Find the Voice/Speaker

1.4. Write passionately

1.5. Power in writing

2. Motivate and Validate

2.1. Student Choice

2.2. Imagination

2.3. Respect

3. Teaching Methods/Lessons

3.1. Modeling

3.2. Mini-lessons

3.3. Critical thinking

3.4. Develop personal interests

3.5. Collaboration

3.6. Response

3.7. Technology

4. New node

5. Multi-Genre

5.1. Interview

5.2. Map

5.3. Memoir

5.4. Sketch

5.5. Essay

5.6. Journal

5.7. Poetry

5.8. Lyrics

5.9. Any writing that communicates...