Sigil ARG dev map

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Sigil ARG dev map by Mind Map: Sigil ARG dev map

1. Mos Speedrun 2

1.1. Physmo (dev company)

1.2. nick donnelly

1.3. tony mcbride

2. Crypt of the Necrodancer

2.1. Ryan Clark

2.2. Brace Yourself Games (dev company)

3. Mini Metro

3.1. Dinosaur Polo Club

3.2. Peter Curry

3.3. Robert Curry

3.4. Jamie Churchman

4. Legend of Dungeon

4.1. Calvin Goble

4.2. Alix Stolzer

4.3. RobotLovesKitty (dev company)

5. The Magic Circle

5.1. Question games (no twitter)

5.2. Magic Circle twitter account

5.3. Stephen Alexander

5.4. Jordan Thomas

6. Neon Struct

6.1. Minor Key Games

6.2. David Pittman

7. Flickers

7.1. neatsnake

8. Kingdom of Loathing

8.1. Zack "Jick" Johnson

9. USA

10. Australia

11. New Zealand

12. Scotland

13. Canada


15. Game Developers’ Conference 2015

16. PAX 2015 - Indie MEGABOOTH

17. BitSummit

18. Independent Games Summit - GDC 2014

19. Game Developers’ Conference 2014

20. IndieCade 2014

21. XOXO

22. Independent Games Festival 2015

23. PAX East 2015

24. Independant Games Festival 2014

25. PAX PRIME 2014

26. SXSW 2015