TEDEd by Erica Braun

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TEDEd by Erica Braun por Mind Map: TEDEd by Erica Braun

1. Lesson Planning

1.1. Use a TEDEd Lesson

1.1.1. Use any of the premade TEDEd lesson in the classroom. The lessons include a video, discussion questions and links to extra resources that teachers can use How great for all kinds of learners. It provides numerous methods for different kinds of learners. Audio, visual, and the possible resources could be helpful for special needs or ELL's. M. Paul

1.2. Build Your own lesson

1.2.1. TEDEd gives you the option of creating and sharing your own lesson based around any TED-Ed original, TED Talk or YouTube video

1.2.2. Can anyone share a lesson plan? -Dr Fritz I am not 100% sure but I decided to register and it looks like experts can share but also anyone on the website can share a lesson. I'm excited to try it out! M. Paul

2. Series

2.1. Some lessons have a whole series they're associated with. The series section allows you to see entire curated units.

3. Blog

3.1. The TEDEd blog covers all sorts of fun and interesting information. The blogs provide information from experts and helpful tips from other teachers and the TEDEd people. To me, this is the "professional development" area of the site where teachers find resources that will help them in the classroom.

4. TED-Ed Clubs

4.1. Clubs allows students to get involved and present their ideas in the form of short TED-style talks.

5. What is TEDEd?

5.1. Centered around the TED talks many of us know and love, TEDEd is a free educational tool for teachers and learners that is committed to creating and sharing the best lessons to be used in the classroom and at home. The opportunities are pretty endless and it gives teachers the tools and ideas to use TED talks in the classroom.

5.1.1. I LOVE this idea! TED talks are so great and I think this is a great way to share them with our students. -L.Corso

5.1.2. This is great! I had never heard of TEDEd until this class and it's amazing! I look forward to using it!I like that it's centered around videos or maybe just from what I checked out. M. Paul