The Industrial Economy

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The Industrial Economy by Mind Map: The Industrial Economy

1. the union's goal was to have its people visualize freedom more braodly

2. America's population increased from 40 million (1870) to 76 million in 1900

3. an example of this is Rockefeller Standard Oil

4. a functioning government was created where both African Americans and whites could participate in

5. economic depression hit the working fore the hardest

5.1. laborers commonly worked 60 hrs per qeek with no sort of pensions or injury conmepsation

5.1.1. a modern example of this would be to not grant a mother pregnancy leave after having a baby

6. most of the violence directed to African Americans was caused by politics which resulted in having to cut off many services, since violence wasn't enough . . . also didn't want to pay taxes

7. horizontal integration occurred when bigger firms bough smaller firms

8. railroads integrated the American Market, and increased commerce . . . all of this allowed national brands to come forth

9. effect : creation of time zones. the purpose of this was to make transportation and shipping more standrard for shipping companies

10. railroad expansion was the key to America's 19th century industrial success

11. shift in America from being an agrarian rural nation to a urban industrial nation

12. America became the most industrialized nation in the word after the Civil War

13. efficiency and productivity increased witht he telegraph : thhis resulted in the transcontinental railway via the pacific railway act in 1862

14. job insecurity dramatically increased due to a the growing population which consisted of mainly immigrants

14.1. labor markets lead to unions because of working conditions and unreliable labor

15. the standard of living increased for the average american worker fue to the price drop caused by industrial competition

16. there mas a major shift in the nation between being an an agrarian-rural nation to becoming an insdutrial and urban nation

17. some of the effects of the civil war include : the sprout of industrialization (contracts to manufacturers) and by the forcement of a national currency

18. The U.S became the richest and most industrialized nation on earth after the civil war

19. the union had a different perspective on freedom, meaning that it wanted the U.S to think of freedom more broadly

19.1. their main argument was that without an equal economic system america would become "less free" even if it was becoming much more prosperous

20. Industrial Capitalists were known as both "captains of the industry" and "robber barons" because they had positive and negative effects

21. railroads caused the creation of first corporations