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Mule 4 by Mind Map: Mule 4

1. Unified Connectivity

1.1. SDK

1.1.1. Connection Testing

1.1.2. Connection Management

1.1.3. Message Sources

1.1.4. etc.

1.2. Re-write Mule Transports/Modules as Connectors

1.2.1. HTTP API Gateway needs this.

1.3. Migrate Connectors from Devkit to SDK

1.4. Project X Connectivity API's

1.4.1. Agent Services for TAP API's

1.5. Studio to use TAP API's for connection testing + Meta-Data

1.5.1. How does Studio instantiate Mule and use TAP API's? Agent is EE only.

1.6. Use one connector programatically in another one. e.g. HTTP in WS-Consumer or WS-Consumer in SFDC.

2. Upgrades

2.1. Isolation

2.1.1. OSGi has more impact on studio

2.2. API/Modularization

2.2.1. Munit API Requirements

2.2.2. Agent API Requirements

2.2.3. User API Requirements

2.2.4. Gateway API Requirements

2.2.5. ARM / CloudHub

3. Source Cleanup

3.1. Remove Services

3.2. Remove Deprecations

3.3. Remove Transports

4. Non-Functional Improvements

4.1. MuleMessage

4.2. MuleEvent / MuleSession

5. Integration Language Simplications

5.1. MEL vs DW

5.2. Filters

5.3. Transformers

5.4. Message Properties

5.4.1. Affects MEL auto-complete

5.4.2. Affects Debugger

5.5. Components

5.6. Java Support Pack

5.6.1. CXF

5.6.2. JAXB

5.7. Hide CXF from user.

5.7.1. Gateway currently uses this.

6. DataTypes and Transformation

6.1. Unified/Improved Data Types

6.1.1. Huge impact on studio.

6.2. MP Data Type Introspection

6.3. Improved Auto-Transformation

7. Mule 3 - Mule 4 Migration

8. Gateway

8.1. Mule Dynamic Policy API

8.2. Port Policies and other functionality to Mule 4 API's