What are the United Nations?

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What are the United Nations? por Mind Map: What are the United  Nations?

1. Joining The UN

1.1. The process of a country joining the UN is simple in description. According to the charter, it states who can join the UN, these people can join only if the General Assembly allows them via the recommendation of the Security Council (Article 4.2)

1.1.1. These countries would want to join the UN because it would keep people in balance and create peace and protection amongst their countries. The UN provides the people with security and a solution that can help the country(ies) solve their issue. The UN also tries to make good relationships between the countries.

1.1.2. In chapter 2 of the “Membership” it states that, "The original Members of the United Nations shall be the states which, having participated in the United Nations Conference on International Organization at San Francisco, or having previously signed the Declaration by United Nations of 1 January 1942, sign the present Charter and ratify it in accordance with Article 110. Membership in the United Nations is open to all other peace-loving states which accept the obligations contained in the present Charter and, in the judgment of the Organization, are able and willing to carry out these obligations. " This evidence shows that if there was a country in conflict with another country, than it will be easier to settle the conflict through the UN, it also explains what people are allowed to join in the UN.

2. Organization of the UN

2.1. The way that the UN is organised, in regards to powers and membership is, in different organs, 6 total, 5 of which are active.

2.1.1. These organs are: the General Assembly, which is the administrative organ, the Security Council, which handles conflict and joining affairs, the Economic and Social Council, or ECO SOC, which handles economic and social issues, obviously, the Secretariat, who are the field workers of the UN, the International Court of Justice, which controls judicial decisions, and the Trusteeship council (inactive), which controls certain territories until they become independent, or rejoin their current owner.

2.1.2. This organisation makes sense because, there is inequality all around the world and since the UN is willing to talk about these certain situations and try to find a solution, it makes sense because this is an important problem and the UN has a lot of power in fixing this problem in that country (if they are allowed to do so).

2.2. Information from Chapters III and IV

3. Domestic Matters vs International Matters

3.1. We believe that if a country has a domestic matter, if it spreads to another country, it should be considered international, by definition (existing, occurring, or carried on between two or more nations).

3.1.1. If one of these areas have human right abuses (and most of them do), it should be made known to the country and have something done about it. In article 26 of the UN Charter it states “In order to promote the establishment and maintenance of international peace and security with the least diversion for armaments of the world's human and economic resources, the Security Council shall be responsible for formulating, with the assistance of the Military Staff Committee referred to in Article 47, plans to be submitted to the Members of the United Nations for the establishment of a system for the regulation of armaments.” This means that the United Nations will try to fix any human rights issues, and shows that they will. We just think that it should be more mandatory to do something about it, and do it quicker

3.2. From Chapter V

4. Global Progress

4.1. We think that the UN is more about promoting global progress and not about preserving the power of the Permanent 5.

4.1.1. The Goals involve our rights and not just some people's rights, but everybody's rights. Another fact is that the goals will be improving the lives over many generations and not only some people, and not just this generation. This all shows that the UN is not about the betterment of the permanent 5 but also the betterment of the world by making the global goals. In Chapter 5 of The Security Council it states that “The Security Council shall consist of fifteen Members of the United Nations. The Republic of China, France, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America shall be permanent members of the Security Council. The General Assembly shall elect ten other Members of the United Nations to be non-permanent members of the Security Council.” This shows that even though the permanent 5 are a big focus of the UN however they are not the main focus. From Chapter IV

4.1.2. This is because of the global goals. The global goals do not necessarily affect the Permanent 5( The permanent members of the United Nations Security Council) at all. This is because we need action from everyone, not just some people like the Permanent 5. Most of the global goals do not really help the permanent five.

5. The UN and Sovereignty

5.1. The UN cannot infringe on a country’s sovereignty.

5.1.1. Although the UN may have the permission to help the people of that country they are not allowed to interfere in the war or fight their country is in. The UN is allowed to break the law only if the human rights are broken because this is not allowed, human rights must be present in every country. They maintain peace and security and promoting human rights by discussing cooperation to have peace and security, calling attention to any issues that involve endangered peace and security, and also giving recommendations to this problem. When addressing certain problems the UN has the right to help by suggesting the human rights and the peace and protection of that certain country and also address it to the security council A country can have many slaves in their area but the UN is only supposed to help protect the people and to give suggestions and many solutions, but they are not allowed to start a rebellion and interfere with the country and its conflict they are only allowed to protect and help if the people in that country or state agree that they want help from the UN for only protecting or helping in finding a solution (helping create new laws).

5.2. Information from Chapter IV